Why should you care about the banks and their changing policies and standards?
One example: the financial power of attorney

Many banks and financial institutions are reluctant to accept a financial power of attorney, and for good reason.
Here’s an example why.
Your son walks up to the bank with a power of attorney that you signed 3 years ago, but last year you revoked that power and appointed your daughter instead.
If the bank accepts the power of attorney from your son, they now can be sued by you and your daughter, and the banks are not interested in getting sued.
This is one reason why banks will very carefully review your financial power of attorney for any reason to reject it. And when they do that, you could likely end up in adult guardianship court.
So you need to make sure you refresh your power of attorney every couple of years to help the bank get comfortable accepting it.

How Does the Gold Membership Program Protect Against Banks Changing?
The Gold Membership Plan is unique.
To my knowledge, no plan like it exists anywhere. The value my team and I provide through this plan is incredible.
When you purchase a trust, you probably expect it to protect you, your family, and your money. But many attorneys seem to hide the truth: your estate planning documents will get outdated.
An outdated plan is sometimes worse than no plan at all because it gives you a false sense of security that you, your family and your money are protected…when they are not.
I’ve spent a long time trying to figure out how to help people update their estate plans so they don’t fall into the pitfalls I see all the time.
I go through and make sure that your documents are up-to-date every year with the new changing Banks and Other Institutions standards.
This is, so far, the best solution I’ve come up with.
I hope that if you aren’t a Gold Member yet, you’ll carefully consider it.
I look forward to having you on board.